Sunday, June 22

Looking good at the gym!

Hi all, the summers here! You may be looking to tone those abs and legs ready for bikini season so that (for most of you) probably means hitting the gym. I completely understand that you don't want to look completely awful when your working out, so here are my top tips for still looking amazing when your hot and sweaty! So start off by the outfit you choose, you want something light, tight fitting and cool. There is a massive range of sports ware out there but for summer i suggest wearing a pair of tight fitting shorts, a sports bra and a tank top. Invest in some good quality trainers as well as it can really help your performance. You don't have to just stick with boring old black and white thug, there are some beautiful designs and patterns out there in lovely fabrics. Try Nike, Victorias Secret Pink, Forever 21 and Adidas. For trainers Asics or Nike are the best. Tip number two is the makeup, you don't want to wear a lot of makeup when you go to the gym, preferably not any, as when you sweat it clogs up your pores and can smear and rub off. But if you but wear some makeup stick to thin lightweight layers, also always prime your skin as it makes sure your makeup doesn't budge. Avoid eye makeup but always wear lip balm as your lips can get very dry. Lastly, always keep for hair up, either in a high ponytail, french braids of a bun, but make sure your hair is away from your face and secure in place as you do t want it falling out and looking a mess! I hope this helped, i"ll leave some inspirational gym images below to give you that motivation to get up and work out! Hope you found this helpful, love you all!
bye x gk

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