Friday, June 27

Camera's, Summer 2014, and vintage shopping!

Hey everyone, sorry this post didn't go up last night  but i felt i needed to work on it some more and make it a bit longer as a lot of my recent posts have been very short. So sorry guys!

First of all id like to talk about cameras, I've been looking for my first blogging/vlogging/professional camera for a while now and i just can't find the perfect one in my price range. I really want one of this good old big chunky Canon ones because i just love to be able to handle a big camera, and the lenses are amazing, but i mean they're like £400!!! I'm a high-school girl i mean i have a budget! So i'd really like you guys to let me know which are your favourites at around £100-ishh, i just want some camera love! Anddddd then i can start my youtube channel which i am hopefully going to set up over the summer, exciting!!

Next up, i would just like to stress how amazingly excited i am for this summer, I've worked so hard this year and i'm starting my gcse's next year so I've been getting in all my knowledge! I've also been trying to figure out some idea of what i want to do when I'm older, i've got a place on the CAT (centre for advanced training) scheme at the jerwood dance house starting in september which leads you on to a career in dance, so I'm super confused in what i want to be, as if you've read my blog for a whioe you'll know i LOVE fashion, and i really thought i knew what i wanted to do. so yeah, confusing.

Lastly, i would like to share with you my love for shopping for vintage clothes and charity shops. Theres nothing worse than a snobby person who won't go into a charity shop because they don't think its cool. I' sorry but I've found some amazing designer pieces in charity and vintage stores and its amazing because you know that nobody has anything like it! Whats not to love! One of kind outfits that are very very cheap and you have such a lot to choose from. The joy i get when i find something amazing is just the best feeling!! So here are my tips for successful second-hand shopping: Wear basic pieces that you know you can make outfits out of like white vests, leggings, jeans and thin jumpers and shorts; Don't carry a big handbag, a small cross-body bag is the best as when your carrying piles of clothes and sifting through endless rails your arms are gonna get tired and you want minimal weight already on your arms. But most of enjoy it, have a laugh, try some crazy stuff on and don't take it too seriously!

I hope you enjoyed this longer post, love you all byee x gk

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