Thursday, August 28

Graceous Girl Talk: Let's talk about YOU!

Hi everyone, so i had an idea that i thought would just be really nice to do every month or so as just a kind of help/advice series. I decided to call it Graceous Girl Talk, as i'll basically just be talking about things i think are really important for girls to know and talk about. As i say i'll be doing a new one of these roughly once a month on a different topic each time, these will be motivational/helpful to all you girls (i hope!)

So today i think its time to talk about you. Obviously i don't personally know you, but thank you for reading this post! I am an only child and i like to spend a lot of time by myself, and i have bought myself so many valuable lessons that i thank myself for. Whatever you want to do, you can do it. Do whatever you want and don't let other people stop you. You just have to always put yourself first, say to yourself, do i really like this? Is this what i want? Am i happy with this? And do what you feel is right. It's a lot braver to step away from the crowd rather than hiding in it. This summer i have done a lot of finding myself and who i really am and now i know exactly what i want from myself. Take the time to get to know yourself a little bit better, love yourself, care for yourself and be the best self you can. As once you know yourself you can be a whole lot more comfortable and confident. Don't be afraid to do what others are not. Don't be afraid to be unique! In my opinion originality is the key to success, so why be anyone but yourself! I read this quote a while ago, and it said that if you are your own best friend you are never alone. Which i think is so true and so important to remember. You are amazing exactly the way you are, do not let other people change you. Take other peoples advice on board but nobody knows you like yourself. Girls your all beautiful, and take a minute after reading this and just take a deep breath, remember all the amazing things you've done and don't regret a single thing, you may well have made mistakes in the past but thats okay, that makes you who you are now. Don't trust anyone more than you trust yourself. people come and go but your with yourself your entire life. You came together you leave together, you are you and only you and when you take a step back you'll see that there is beauty all around you if you look for it. Be brave, sensible, clever and original. You will find that life is an amazing thing, and you wouldn't want to be anyone but yourself.

I hope you liked this post, its bit different to what i usually do but there'll be a summer favourites post going up on Sunday.

Thank you to everyone reading this, i love you all.

byeeee x gk

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